Our School has stood the test of time, and is today as proud of its history, as it is confident of its future. The School you see today is not what it was 10 years ago.
A burning desire is the starting point of all accomplishment. The School started with the student strength of 125 in the year 2004 in subsequent years number of standard and student increased and has reached more than 500,out of them 80 students are from abroad.

The educational endeavour needs to make a lasting impact on the children we will the In the year 2008 the first batch of std. X appeared for their Board examination and in the year 2010, the first batch of XII proved their metal by securing 100% result. Since then the institution has consistently maintained its standard by securing 100% result and now the we have accomplished the goal of securing 10 C.G.P.A in the consecutive years.
The school has grown from a humble beginning into a reputed comprehensive & intellectual, cultural and educational institution.